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School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12
Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel Boston

Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence Prevention

Getting Back in the Door: School and Family Strategies for School Avoidant Students
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School, Lexington, MA

Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence Prevention

Keynote: The Behavior Code
Newton-Wellesley Hospital

Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence Prevention

School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12
Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston, MA
Students of all ages continue to struggle with increased mental health issues since the pandemic upended the world. According to a CDC 2021 survey, 42% of adolescent students felt persistently sad and 22% seriously considered attempting suicide. The U.S. Surgeon General has further emphasized the issue’s urgency with his recent report on the youth loneliness crisis. Our children and teens are crying out for help, and those who work with school-aged youth must stay current with the latest knowledge and skills that will enhance the emotional well-being of our students.
This course is designed to meet those needs and offer participants practical strategies with a mix of lecture, case studies, interactive panels and Q&A. Topics will cover resilience, risk assessment related to suicide and extremism, trauma awareness, social justice and immigrant supports; perfectionism, school avoidance and pediatric emergencies; while attending compassionately to ourselves and our colleagues.
Participants will complete the course with practical and timely clinical information and skills based on emerging research, evidence-based practice and innovative learning strategies. And this year we are excited to now offer two options of format: in person or online livestream.
We welcome all mental health and health clinicians, educators, school administrators, researchers, and others interested in the development and treatment of school-aged children and adolescents.
Who Should Attend
- Primary Care Providers
- Specialty Physicians
- Nurses
- Psychologists
- Counselors
- Social Workers
- Family Therapists

Institute 4: Is This Student Safe to Return to School? Critical Strategies for Threat Assessment and Management in K-12 Schools
New York, NY
Dr. Rappaport is the chair of this institute on school threat assessment and management, and will present “Institute 4.1: Looking Back and Moving Forward on Threat Assessment and Management in Schools: Research Evidence, Implementation Barriers, and Next Steps ” with Dr. Sarah Goodrum.

Clinical Perspectives 16: Helping Students Transition Back to School: Addressing School Avoidance and Absenteeism Through Collaboration
New York, NY
Dr. Rappaport will be the discussant for this Clinical Perspectives session on school avoidance and absenteeism.

Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence
Child psychiatrists, whether consulting to schools or providing services in private practice or an emergency room, are increasingly asked to make judgments about students’ safety. Thus, it is imperative that they are familiar with the research on assessing student threats, broaden their knowledge base of the standard safety/threat assessment process, and understand the critical information needed for this process. This presentation provides an overview of a comprehensive school safety assessment approach for students whose behavior raises concern about their potential for violence, presenting a model that can help prevent school violence while getting students and families the services they need. Participants will better understand the multi-faceted role that child psychiatrists, working in a variety of settings, can play in building a school culture of safety, performing school threat assessment and responding appropriately, facilitating communication and connection to needed services, and supporting students, families, and educators.

Teen Depression: What Parents, Schools, and Communities Can Do
Winchester High School Library

School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12
Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston, MA
Dr. Rappaport will present “Case: School Avoidance” as part of the two-day conference:
As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the impact on our students is increasingly clear but so too are new solutions and approaches. Mental health needs have skyrocketed among youth, and many schools struggle with burned out teachers and administrators, challenging parents and a lack of mental health providers in schools and their communities. We are eager to come together again in person to share successes and challenges on our collective journey through constant uncertainty.
This course will equip participants with up-to-date knowledge and skills to enhance the emotional well-being of children and adolescents at school, as well as the well-being of larger systems and communities. Topics will cover pandemic effects on learning, navigating LGBTQ+ issues, autism & social communication, polyvagal theory, school avoidance, perfectionism and the impacts of prejudice and other traumas. We are excited to also offer an open ‘Doc Roundtable’ to address questions and concerns related to the latest medications, and a powerful lived experience panel on gun violence and youth activism. Participants will leave with practical and timely clinical information and skills based on emerging research, evidence-based practice and innovative learning strategies.
Mental health and health clinicians, educators, school administrators, researchers and others interested in the development and treatment of school-aged children and adolescents will gain updated knowledge and skills via a mix of didactic lectures, case studies, panel discussions and Q&A.

Depression and Suicide: Balancing Risk and Finding Hope and Connection
Hybrid - Virtual or at Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School, Danvers, MA
Nancy Rappaport, M.D., will discuss how depression presents in children and teens at home and at school, how to proceed when concerned a student may be suicidal, and how to support youth with depression. This workshop will include an interactive discussion of clinical cases to illustrate key points.

The Behaviour Code: Practical Strategies for Working with Challenging Students
Lentegeur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa

Supporting Youth With Depression
Framingham Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center, Framingham, MA
Dr. Rappaport will discuss what depression may look like in teens at home and at school, how to proceed when concerned a teen may be suicidal, and how to connect with and support teens with depression during the pandemic and beyond. She will also discuss how building resilience in ourselves and in teens and families allows us to boost our, and their, capacity to endure and perhaps even thrive during uncertain and challenging times. Her talk is based on her many years of clinical experience and experience translating psychiatric concepts into easy actionable steps for professionals and families.