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October 22, 2022 7-8:30am

Family is the Best Medicine: Strengthening Family Therapy Skills to Support Children in Crisis

AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
Toronto, ON
Discussion focuses on addressing clinical problems as challenges for the family to resolve with the help of the child and adolescent psychiatrist, and on promoting effective family function and recovery. Cases presented by participants are used to identify common themes voiced by families that are “stuck” and develop questions and approaches that enhance closeness, encourage effective limits, and build understanding and support within the family. Participants develop skills to effectively engage with the family, build family-therapist collaboration, enhance flexibility, promote appropriate distance in relationships, and resolve conflicts to ensure cooperation that builds family hopefulness and improves family function in relation to the presenting problem.
October 20, 2022 1:30-4:30pm

Workshop 23: The Essential Threat Assessment Toolkit: What Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Need to Know

AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
Toronto, ON
Psychiatric threat assessment is an intervention providing essential psychiatric and educational treatment recommendations to schools and parents. Case vignettes and videos are used to introduce and demonstrate the psychiatric threat assessment process, the consultation process with parents of students who make threats, and effective engagement with school administrators and educators. Presentations look at warning behaviors, social media threats, copycat phenomena, and family dynamics. Participants discuss strategies for identifying and safely managing aggressive students in schools and collaborating with family and school personnel to gather critical information. The role of the child and adolescent psychiatrist in addressing firearm safety issues is discussed. Participants receive a set of resources to continue the learning experience and to educate others.
October 20, 2022 8-11am

Workshop 20: Writers Unblock: A Motivationally Enhancing Writing Workshop for Writers at Any Level

AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
Toronto, ON
Writers at all levels of experience enhance their writing in a welcoming, nurturing, and non-judgmental space. Presenters address barriers to writing and give specific, measurable, achievable, and timely ways that participants can advance their writing. Participants learn about opportunities to incorporate various forms of writing into their training or career; hear from expert writers about their process and strategies for writing; and engage in a real-time writing exercise that motivates and inspires writing efforts beyond the Workshop. Prior to attending, participants have the opportunity to complete a survey about their interests and are invited to pair with another participant to share a writing piece for feedback and advice.
October 18, 2022 8-10:30am

The Disruptors: A Deep Dive into ADHD

AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
Toronto, ON
The Disruptors is a 90-minute, award-winning documentary about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the people who have it. The documentary includes major experts in the field, many famous people who have ADHD, and five stories of people with ADHD from diagnosis through treatment. Executive producer of the film and experts in the field discuss this most common neurodevelopmental disorder to encourage understanding of a strengths-based approach to treatment. Participants gain new understanding of what it is like to live with ADHD and a new perspective on working with those with the disorder. Filmmakers hope that The Disruptors can reach and educate youth in underserved communities where there is often little access to information about ADHD and limited clinical help due to the lack of access to doctors with substantive understanding of ADHD.
October 04, 2022

MPY School Attendance Summit: Present and Accounted For

May 16, 2022

The Black Hole of School Avoidance: Strategies to Move Ahead

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth

School avoidance describes students whose chronic absence from school is associated with some degree of psychiatric symptoms. Chronic absenteeism is a risk factor for a number of behaviors including suicidality, substance use, unsafe sexual behavior, and school drop-out. Early recognition of school avoidance, diagnosis and treatment of any underlying concerns, understanding of school and family dynamics, and targeted accommodations and interventions are vital to prevent increasing problems. Using case examples, Dr. Rappaport will give an overview of school avoidance, review disorders that may underlie it (including anxiety and mood disorders and neurological and medical conditions), describe concrete accommodations that schools can make to support the school avoidant child, and discuss approaches to successful collaboration between family, school, and health care providers.

February 08, 2022

Supporting Youth through the Pandemic & Beyond: What Families, Schools and Carlisle Can Do

WBYC Speaker Series
Nancy Rappaport, MD will discuss the challenges that parents, care givers, and teachers face when supporting children who are suffering from grief and loss during these uncertain times. Her talk is based on her many years of translating psychiatric concepts into easy actionable steps for educators and families.
February 08, 2022 10am-12pm

Taking Charge of Your Emotions: Parent Guidance for DBT Skills

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth

In this interactive workshop with Dr. Claire Bogan and Dr. Nancy Rappaport, emotional regulation skills for teens will be presented. These concrete strategies taught in this webinar will be guided by “DBT Skills Manual for Adolescents*” and are designed to support emotion regulation skill development both in school and at home. Resources to support parents/guardians with home practice will be provided during this session.

February 04, 2022

School Safety Assessments with Case

School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12
Online OR at the Fairmont Copley Plaza

Presented with Dr. Sarah Goodrum.

January 19, 2022 10am-12pm

Building a Culture of Safety in Classrooms: Awareness, Assessment, and Monitoring

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth

More than ever educators recognize the importance of identifying and supporting students experiencing mental or behavioral health challenges.  Dr. Rappaport and Dr. Goodrum will discuss the ways educators can promote a culture of safety in their schools and classrooms by recognizing the warning signs for mental or behavioral health challenges, conducting threat assessments to evaluate and manage students of concern, and sharing information to support the students’ reintegration and success (or prevent any potential decline).

November 16, 2021

Keynote: Making a Difference Conference

Making a Difference Conference of the Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC) for Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs), A Project of the Federation for Children with Special Needs
November 04, 2021

Supporting Youth with Depression During the Pandemic and Beyond: What Families, Schools, and Communities Can Do

Wilmington Public Schools
October 29, 2021 11am-2pm

Workshop 34: Writers Un-Block: An Individualized, Intensive, and Motivationally Enhancing Writing Workshop

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's 68th Annual Meeting
Want an insider’s scoop on successful writing careers and advice on your own work? This Workshop welcomes writers at all levels of experience. It is designed to provide education and clear steps to enhance one’s writing in a welcoming, nurturing, and non-judgmental space. After a short discussion of ways writing can enhance one’s life and some guidance on getting started, accomplished writers share examples of their work and discuss their writing process. Then, participants have the opportunity to share their own work. Prior to attending, participants are encouraged to submit a writing piece to be reviewed by panel members for expert feedback and advice that can advance their writing in specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely ways.
Presented with Dr. Desiree Shapiro, Dr. Andres Martin, and Dr. Heidi Banh
October 27, 2021 4-6pm

Institute 4: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's 68th Annual Meeting

Child and adolescent psychiatrists are increasingly asked to make judgments about student safety and violence prevention in schools. Participants review the current research on assessing student threats, broaden their knowledge base of the safety/threat assessment process, and learn critical information necessary to complete a threat assessment. Topics covered include school violence perception, performing a safety/threat assessment, and developing programs to support students, families, and educators responding to school safety issues. Case discussions and question and answer periods are integral to understanding the level of risk, practicing case formulation, and planning next steps. Participants receive helpful tools and develop skills to assist them in working with schools to gather information, assess student safety, intervene appropriately, and make follow-up recommendations.


Presented with Dr. Sarah Goodrum, Dr. Farah Williams, Dr. Deborah Weisbrot, Dr. Saneliso Masuku, and Dr. Meredith Gansner.

October 21, 2021

The Behavior Code: Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

Rehab Seminars:

This interactive workshop will teach participants about classroom interventions and building resilience for students who have anxiety, depression, or oppositional behavior and who may be explosive, as well as those who have experienced trauma (including the impacts of the pandemic). The morning session will introduce participants to the FAIR Plan method of understanding and improving behavior in challenging students, which looks at the function of the behavior, accommodations, interventions, and response to the behavior. The impact of trauma will also be addressed, and many tools and concrete strategies will be introduced with an emphasis on helping students feel safe to accelerate learning; and strategies for working together with challenging parents to support their students and build better working relationships. Participants will work together on case studies using the information presented in order to deepen their understanding. In the afternoon, following a discussion of understanding and working with depressed students, including those who may be suicidal, the workshop will conclude with a discussion of how we can build resilience in both our students and ourselves. Handouts will include a detailed reference list for further reading on topics covered throughout the day. This workshop will provide the information, skills, and concrete strategies that educators need to make a crucial difference for students with challenging behavior.

Course Objectives

  • Use strategies that enhance relationships with students with challenging behavior as a life-saving connection and address underlying skill deficits

  • List the elements of a FAIR behavior plan

  • Describe why traditional behavior plans of reward and consequences often do not work for students with challenging behavior such as anxiety and oppositional behavior

  • Describe strategies for collaborating with parents, including those who may be disengaged or angry, to build an alliance and give concrete suggestions to help students with challenging behavior

  • List signs and symptoms of depression in children and adolescents

  • Identify steps to take when concerned a student may be suicidal

  • Describe strategies for reintegrating students at school following a hospitalization

  • Describe strategies for building resilience in students

  • Identify tools for building resilience in self and in fellow educators

Course Schedule
8:00-9:30 Understanding and teaching the most challenging students
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-11:30 Working with challenging students…and challenging parents
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:00 Keeping kids alive: working with depressed kids and families
2:00-2:30 Break
2:30-4:00 Building resilience
4:00 Course evaluation

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