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Rehab Seminars Live Virtual General and Special Education Conference

October 21, 2021

The Behavior Code: Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

Rehab Seminars:

This interactive workshop will teach participants about classroom interventions and building resilience for students who have anxiety, depression, or oppositional behavior and who may be explosive, as well as those who have experienced trauma (including the impacts of the pandemic). The morning session will introduce participants to the FAIR Plan method of understanding and improving behavior in challenging students, which looks at the function of the behavior, accommodations, interventions, and response to the behavior. The impact of trauma will also be addressed, and many tools and concrete strategies will be introduced with an emphasis on helping students feel safe to accelerate learning; and strategies for working together with challenging parents to support their students and build better working relationships. Participants will work together on case studies using the information presented in order to deepen their understanding. In the afternoon, following a discussion of understanding and working with depressed students, including those who may be suicidal, the workshop will conclude with a discussion of how we can build resilience in both our students and ourselves. Handouts will include a detailed reference list for further reading on topics covered throughout the day. This workshop will provide the information, skills, and concrete strategies that educators need to make a crucial difference for students with challenging behavior.

Course Objectives

  • Use strategies that enhance relationships with students with challenging behavior as a life-saving connection and address underlying skill deficits

  • List the elements of a FAIR behavior plan

  • Describe why traditional behavior plans of reward and consequences often do not work for students with challenging behavior such as anxiety and oppositional behavior

  • Describe strategies for collaborating with parents, including those who may be disengaged or angry, to build an alliance and give concrete suggestions to help students with challenging behavior

  • List signs and symptoms of depression in children and adolescents

  • Identify steps to take when concerned a student may be suicidal

  • Describe strategies for reintegrating students at school following a hospitalization

  • Describe strategies for building resilience in students

  • Identify tools for building resilience in self and in fellow educators

Course Schedule
8:00-9:30 Understanding and teaching the most challenging students
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-11:30 Working with challenging students…and challenging parents
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:00 Keeping kids alive: working with depressed kids and families
2:00-2:30 Break
2:30-4:00 Building resilience
4:00 Course evaluation