October 18, 2022
The Disruptors: A Deep Dive into ADHD
AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
Toronto, ON
The Disruptors is a 90-minute, award-winning documentary about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the people who have it. The documentary includes major experts in the field, many famous people who have ADHD, and five stories of people with ADHD from diagnosis through treatment. Executive producer of the film and experts in the field discuss this most common neurodevelopmental disorder to encourage understanding of a strengths-based approach to treatment. Participants gain new understanding of what it is like to live with ADHD and a new perspective on working with those with the disorder. Filmmakers hope that The Disruptors can reach and educate youth in underserved communities where there is often little access to information about ADHD and limited clinical help due to the lack of access to doctors with substantive understanding of ADHD.